1. Einstein’s theory of time in his general relativity has nothing to do with reality. It is only a “looks like” or a “relative appearance” theory. Every model he used to demonstrate the slowing or accelerating of time amounts to a slow-motion or fast-forward playback of past events that had previously occurred in real-time. His models have all the genius of suggesting that someone could record a clock with a video camera, then drive fast around the block and come back and play the video back next to the same clock and thus prove they have slowed time because the recorded version is behind! The proof that time cannot be altered is in the fact that no model can be cited to demonstrate the witnessing of an event before that event actually occurs in its space. Every single one of the models Einstein used to demonstrate the altering of time is dependent upon an event already having happened. Time is linear. The only time that exists at any given moment is the present. The future can be planned for and events can be predicted and the present can be recorded in many ways. Many events are automatically recorded on light waves and travel long distances fast. For example, an event on the sun like a solar flare is not seen on earth until 8 minutes and 20 seconds after the fact. It takes that long for the event record on lightwaves to reach the earth. When we see it is not when it happened. We are watching a played-back recording of the event. If a person was in a spaceship traveling at the speed of light toward the sun, it would appear to him that the event occurred twice as fast as it would on earth. That doesn’t mean time was sped up. It only means the recording of the event was played back at double speed. If a person was traveling away from the sun at half the speed of light, the event would appear to take twice as long to occur. This doesn’t mean time was slowed. It only means the recorded event was played back at half speed. The phenomenon is not one bit different from what is called the doppler effect in sound waves. Some say that the fact that GPS satellites with extremely accurate atomic clocks traveling at a very high speed demonstrate a slowing of time proves that time can be slowed. But this is a smoke-and-mirrors deception. The first thing wrong with this argument is the presupposition that a clock can create time! No clock creates time, no matter how accurate it is. A clock can only mark time. The ability to slow a clock, whether actually or in appearance, has absolutely no effect on time. A changed clock can no more change time than a shrunken tape measure can make a piece of wood longer! It only makes it look like it has. The second thing wrong with the fact that GPS satellites make it look like time is slowed is that those who use this argument aren’t telling the whole truth. Yes, when a GPS satellite is traveling away over the horizon at a high rate of speed, the time code coming back is calculably slowed. They say that this proves time slows at high speeds. But what they don’t tell you is that when that same satellite is coming toward you over the horizon from the other direction at the same speed, the time code is now sped up at exactly the same rate it was slowed going away! When the satellite is straight overhead and not going away or toward you, even though it is traveling at the same rate of speed, the time code returns in perfect sync, not sped up or slowed down at all. Again, this phenomenon is nothing other than the doppler effect in light waves. It has absolutely nothing to do with changing real time in any way.
2. E=mc2 is itself a mathematical hoax. It’s a take-off on Isaac Newton’s formula for kinetic energy which is expressed as K=1/2mv2. In this ingenious formula, both “m” (mass) and “v” (velocity) are variables in the equation. This formula yields a result that accurately reflects the amount of energy in a moving object. In Einstein’s formula, the velocity of light represented as “c2“, is a constant figure. Multiplying the single variable, “m”, by a constant figure, tells us nothing new about the variable that we don’t already know. The hoax is complete because the equation works! But we have everything we need to know with the simple equation, E=m. Let me illustrate this with a mathematical example. It’s very simple to comprehend. One need not be a mathematics professor to see it. Let’s say we have a chunk of uranium that has a mass of 2 lbs and we want to know how much atomic energy it contains. Using Einstein’s formula, we’ll take 2 and multiply it by the speed of light squared. The measurement of speed is an arbitrary measurement relative to some other object. It can also be expressed in many different ways. It can be in miles-per-second, miles-per-hour, kilometers-per-hour, and so on. Take your pick. Since it’s an arbitrary number, we can assign it anything we want to for this example. We only need to use the same figure every time we work the equation because the velocity, or speed, of light, is a constant in the equation that does not change. So let’s just assign the speed of light a figure of 4. The point is, you can use absolutely any figure you want to here and it will work. So according to Einstein, we need to multiply the mass of our uranium 2 by the square of the speed of light which would be 16, and we come up with 32. We explode our uranium and measure the energy we got from it and we’ll call it 32 megatons of energy. This is an arbitrary measurement that is meaningless unless we compare it to something different. So now, let’s take a 4 lb chunk of uranium and calculate the amount of energy in it. According to Einstein’s formula, we will take its mass of 4 and multiply it by the square of the speed of light again, which is 16, and we come up with 64. If Einstein was correct, we should expect to get 64 megatons of energy from our second chunk of uranium. We explode it and measure it, and sure enough, we got 64 megatons of energy. Conclusion; Einstein’s a genius, he was right! But guess what. We didn’t need to multiply the masses of our chunks of uranium by a constant figure to know that the second chunk had twice as much energy in it! We knew that from the figure of the masses alone! 2 is to 32 what 4 is to 64! Or to put it another way, 64 is twice the size of 32 just as 4 is twice the size of 2. The amount of atomic energy contained in a piece of matter is directly proportionate to its atomic mass! Nothing more needs to be said. Einstein’s formula works, but it’s voodoo-math, designed to deceive with the use of smoke and mirrors again. It’s designed to get people to believe there’s something magical about the speed of light when the speed of light has absolutely nothing to do with how much energy is contained in matter! Einstein only patterned his formula after Isaac Newton’s true genius formula to give it credibility by making it look smart when it isn’t!
The sad thing is that, like in so many other areas of life, most people won’t use or trust their own heads in these things …even if they can see things clearly. Instead, they will simply abandon their intellect to the world’s established gods of intelligence.